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Gia Lai, Vietnam
Belangrijkste producten:Arabica sperziebonen, arabica geroosterde bonen, robusta sperziebonen, robusta geroosterde bonen, culi


Highland Tropico Coffee Company Limited was founded in 2018 with a love for the flavor of coffee and a desire to maintain the values that coffee has given to Vietnam throughout its history. We have established the aim of developing organic, ecological coffee material regions in order to create a sustainable value chain beginning with the following stages: variety selection, planting, care, harvest, preliminary processing, and processing to increase the value of Vietnamese coffee beans.
The raw material region spans the North Central Highlands, where the Jarai, Bana, and Xo Dang ethnic groups established Vietnam's first coffee farms. Working with them for many years has made us realize that it is our duty to assist them in growing, caring for, harvesting, and preparing coffee beans to better the quality of their life.
More than that, we are looking forward to long-term relationships with partner around the world.

Choose us and you will have a professional co-operation with you.